What to do with those wonderful white, round, hard-plastic buckets from Giant Food Stores? Here are some responses I've received. If you like them, why not approach your own local grocery store (or bakery?) to ask for free buckets for troop projects?

From Sharon on the CraftPals Recyling Bulletin Board: I have used those buckets & made "Stools" out of them. They can be done for fishing, hunting, toys or whatever theme you decide. Paint & decorate the outside & then pad the lid & cover w/appropriate fabric. Turn out really cute.

From Norma from CraftPals Recycling Bulletin Board: Jean I have been thinking a little more about these buckets and thinking also about the stools made from them and incorporating your idea of filling them with toys or things for shelters. I think it would be great to make these stools with a friendly or angel fabric and put a plush toy or something in it and let the shelters give these to kids that come in. It could be thier own little stool and storage box to keep thier belongings in. Boy when I start thinking about something I don't let it go for a while!LOL

From Sheila, another internet friend: I use them to put house plant pot in them.

From Joe Hines: We take large magazine pages and roll them on a dowel stick and glue edge. Remove stick and repeat until you have enough to glue all around the ice cream bucket. Plastic clothes line put in the holes in the top and bottom finishes it . Can be used a trash can or magazine holder or what ever. Magazine rolls can be cut to the height of the can.

From NBSherry: you could have kids cut out cookie shapes and chips and decopage them onto
the buckets and make cookie pails out of the buckets.

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Jean, Asst. Leader, Troop 3858