(formerly the webpage for Brownie troop 3858 of Herndon, VA, but no longer associated in any way with GSUSA & not approved by the GS Council)*
Click here for list of used clothing needed by foster kids in Fairfax County.
Have some used luggage, duffel bags, backpacks to donate? Click here for a list of places that need them.
Have some used books that need a good home? Or used children's videos? Reston Hospital can use them! Click on the Community Service Projects link in the above menu.
DOGWOOD SCHOOL IN RESTON, VA, BURNS DOWN! Dogwood principal Ricki Harvey and other members of the Dogwood administrative staff are currently housed at Westmore Elementary School, 11000 Berry Street,
Fairfax, Virginia,703-273-1470. People who want to donate goods or services should call that number. Follow Dogwood's progress at their webpage.
Here's a great way to unwind at the end of the day - work a jigsaw puzzle on-line! Go to jigzone.com for the puzzle-of-the-day and a great library of other puzzles with pieces of various numbers and shapes. I love this site! Or want to get your aggression out by playing the drums? Go to http://www.kidsware.com/drumset.html to play the drums on-line!
If you regularly buy Beanie Babies, you might want to consider buying Ariel the bear by Ty. Ariel is a beautiful mint green bear whose embroidered chest logo is of a drawing created by the late Ariel Glaser who later died from AIDS at the age of 5. Ariel was the daughter of Paul Michael Glaser (of Starsky & Hutch t.v. fame, for those of you old enough to remember the show) and Elizabeth Glaser. Proceeds from
this beanie will benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatrics Aids Foundation. A wonderful way for your gift to benefit not only the recipient, but others as well.
I found a great site on the internet that will give you an idea of how one of my favorite games (Rush Hour) works. This guy puts up three or four new puzzles here every week: http://www.igoweb.org/~wms.rushHour/index.html
I work p/t at Zany Brainy and one of my fringe benefits is that I get to try out some of the toys at home (so I can better describe them to customers). Here are some of the games my children and I like a lot.
To e-mail me, please contact me at:
Jean Johnson
Page updated: 4/07//2001
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I do not necessarily endorse or support these products.